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Bariatrics Weight Loss Surgery and None-Surgical's Blog Los Angeles, CA

Can Belly Fat Return after Bariatric Surgery in LA?

Can Belly Fat Return After Gastric Surgery?

Belly fat can be a pain. Not only can excess fat on your lower abdominal region look unsightly, but it’s also a sign of diminished health.  Thus, many doctors recommend weight loss surgery to come out of this situation. Stomach fat has been linked to many health issues, namely among them high cholesterol, heart disease,…

Appetite Facts: Why Am I Always Hungry?

Why Am I Always Hungry? And Other Facts About Your Appetite

Are you someone who is continuously struggling to lose weight?But always failed!You need to discuss your hunger issue with your doctor to get weight loss medication. Hunger pangs. Everyone knows them. At the very least, they’re annoying. But those pangs can quickly turn to pain when it’s been hours since you last ate. These sensations…

Gastric Balloon Dietary Guidelines for Weight Loss, Los Angeles, CA

Gastric Balloon Dietary Guidelines for Astonishing Weight Loss

Losing weight becomes nearly impossible when you have reached the classification of obese or morbidly obese. Hence, to deal with this challenging situation of obesity, you can go with the method of gastric balloon. Bariatric surgery aims to help those who are obese lose weight safely and effectively. There are a few different types of…

Gastric Banding to Gastric Sleeve in Los Angeles, CA

Bariatric Surgeon Answers: Can You Convert Gastric Banding to a Gastric Sleeve?

Start your weight loss journey today! Call us to schedule your first step towards success Introduction to Bariatric Surgeon Answers: Can You Convert Gastric Banding to a Gastric Sleeve? To clear your doubts regarding gastric sleeve, consult the professionals. Make sure to discuss well about your previous lap-band surgery and how safe it is to…

Gallstone Pain Treatment

Gallstone Pain? Gallbladder Surgery Could Help

Gallbladder pain starts in the upper right or center of your belly. The discomfort is mild at first, but then it steadily gets worse. The pain may radiate further than your abdomen, causing pain in your back and shoulders. As if the pain weren’t bad enough, you might also find yourself vomiting with serious nausea….

Body Mass Index (BMI)

What Does Body Mass Index Mean and How is it Calculated?

Have you ever tried to determine how much you are overweight? If so, you probably found yourself using the Body Mass Index scale, otherwise known as the BMI scale. BMI is used by doctors to determine the compositional makeup of your body. More specifically, medical professionals can use the measuring system to estimate how much…

PCOS Symptoms Treated with Bariatric Surgery

PCOS Symptoms? Bariatric Surgery Can Help!

Introduction to PCOS Symptoms? Bariatric Surgery Can Help! PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is one reason some women turn to bariatric surgery. Studies show that bariatric surgery or popular bariatric procedures like gastric sleeve and gastric bypass can be effective in helping obese women with PCOS achieve weight loss. Bariatric surgery can cause a reversal of…

Quality Sleep Matters for Weight Loss

The Relationship Between Quality Sleep and Weight Loss Success

Weight loss medications or surgeries promote success in your weight loss journey and quality sleep. Is quality sleep have some connection with your weight loss medication success? Learn how these factors are connected. The connection between sleep and low body weight is well documented. The better rested you are, the easier it is to keep the…

Slim Body women

Slimmer Body, Less Belly Fat or Improved Health: Which is Most Important to You?

For a surgeon, it’s imperative to know your actual purpose in getting gastric sleeve treatment. Before patients undergo bariatric (weight loss) surgery, it’s common for the bariatric surgeon to ask the patient why they want to have surgery in the first place. The answer can help the surgeon tailor the bariatric treatment plan toward the…

Dr moein Author:
Babak Moein, MD FACS
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