weight loss

Mini Sleeve Surgery

Mini Sleeve Surgery

Obesity is an epidemic worldwide, and many people seek a strategy to lose weight safely and effectively. Mini-sleeve surgery is one such technique that has grown in popularity because of its benefits and low risks. This post will discuss mini-sleeve surgery, the types of surgeries available, what to expect during the process, recovery after surgery, and other

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Weight Loss Medications

Weight Loss Medications – How they Work, How Much They Cost & How to Find Them Cheaper

When we talk about Weight loss, is a tumultuous journey most of us are familiar with. Conventional wisdom says eating right and exercising are critical to losing excess pounds. But sometimes a little external help is needed. This is where weight loss medications can help. The current market has produced a range of dietary drugs

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New Year Weight Loss Benefits

New Year, New You: Exploring the Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery in the Coming Year

Introduction: New Year Weight Loss Benefits Weight loss is one of the most common New Year’s Resolutions. Anyone who has weight to lose knows this well. The first of the year comes around and you pledge to eat less and exercise more. You also know that keeping a New Year’s resolution is much harder than

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Psychological Evaluation Before Weight Loss Surgery

Why is a Psychological Evaluation Necessary Before Undergoing Weight Loss Surgery?

Popular weight loss surgeries such as the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) help you lose excess weight and reduce your risk of potentially life-limiting obesity comorbidities. If you have a BMI of 40 or higher or a BMI of 35 with a weight-related ailment such as Type 2 diabetes, you may qualify for one of these

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Medically Supervised Diets and Weight Loss Medications

Medically Supervised Diets and Weight Loss Medications – What You Should Know

Introduction to Medically Supervised Diets and Weight Loss Medications Weight Loss is a Billion Dollar Industry Weight loss is a $3.8 billion industry in the United States and $295.3 billion worldwide. Go to your local grocery store and find the diet and supplement aisle. You will find countless pills and potions made by various companies

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