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Best Bariatric Surgeries in 2020 for Fast & Healthy Weight Loss

Best Bariatric Surgeries in 2020 for Fast & Healthy Weight Loss

Weight loss surgeries have grown in popularity.

It’s easy to see why 40% of the country is obese, with nearly half the population expected to become obese by 2030.

Due to several factors such as unhealthy eating, stress, sedentary lifestyles, and in some cases genetic factors or medical issues, many people are struggling with maintaining a healthy weight. You may have also noticed an increase in the numbers on your scale.

A person is defined as obese when their BMI (Body Mass Index) exceeds 30 or more. Body mass index is calculated by dividing a person’s height by their weight.

The normal or healthy body mass index for the average person is 18.5 to 24.9. From 1999 to 2018, the rate of obesity rose from 30.5% to 42.4% in the adult population.

Most people try to decrease their BMI through a combination of exercise and fad diets. Many people want to look good but being obese is more than just a body image issue. It can also be detrimental to your health.

For the morbidly obese, diet and exercise alone are not sufficient to shed the pounds. We need more intensive treatment. This is where weight loss surgery is a viable option. Gastric sleeve surgery and gastric balloon are among the top procedures to combat morbid obesity.

The Best Bariatric (Weight Loss) Surgery Performed This Year

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery is a bariatric procedure that involves surgeons removing up to 80% of your stomach. The remaining portion of your stomach is formed into a new, sleeve-like pouch. This new stomach sleeve is approximately one-tenth the size of your original stomach. It’s also described as being banana sized.

The part of your stomach that produces the chemicals that boost your appetite is removed. When you recover from surgery, you will have a decreased appetite. You will also find yourself eating much smaller portions than you did before, on account of your smaller stomach.

Patients who undergo gastric sleeve surgery (also known as laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy or LSG) lose up to 60% of their extra weight in a year to a year-and-a-half after surgery (12-18 months).

Gastric sleeve surgery is a permanent procedure. The bariatric surgery is recommended for the morbidly obese (those whose BMI has reached 40 or more). If your BMI is above 40 or you have existing medical conditions such as blood clots, heart or liver disease, gastric sleeve may not be a viable option as it may complicate your condition.

Post Surgery

Following the surgery, you may experience side effects such as nausea or the inability to consume certain foods. You will be placed on a liquid diet, where you will subsist on pureed foods for a short time. Once you are healed you can eat regular foods, but it takes time to readjust.

Gastric sleeve surgery changes the way you eat forever, which means you will have to adapt to a new diet. You will also need to be more mindful of the foods you consume.

Your doctors will detail and outline what you can and cannot consume following your procedure. Once you are given permission to start physical activities, you can add exercise into your routine to produce further weight loss results.

Gastric Balloon

The gastric balloon is also referred to as an intragastric balloon. Unlike the gastric sleeve, this procedure is non-surgical. It involves the insertion of a soft silicon balloon through your esophagus and into your stomach using tubes and endoscopes.

Once the bariatric device is inside your stomach, your bariatric surgeon will inflate the balloon with a sterile saline solution through the plastic tubing. The balloon takes up space in your stomach. This particular design makes you feel fuller, faster, when eating.

Much like you do with gastric sleeve surgery, you have to adopt a new way of eating and a more active lifestyle to achieve optimal results when choosing the gastric balloon.

A gastric balloon is a short-term weight loss method that does not alter your stomach size or involve any permanent changes. Some patients who may be too overweight for surgery may be prescribed the gastric balloon treatment to prep for weight loss surgery.

Gastric balloons are usually removed after six months. After the procedure, you will have to move gradually back to solid foods, much like you do with the gastric sleeve. You’re also expected to maintain and improve your results by continuing to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Which is the Best Weight Loss Surgery for You?

A woman in a red bikini leaning against a tree.


These are the top procedures recommended by the best weight loss surgeons to combat and treat obesity. If you have significant weight to lose, the gastric sleeve or gastric balloon can help you lose the excess weight so you can enjoy a longer and healthier life.

Before opting for weight loss surgery, it helps to know about and reduce the risks involved. Bariatric surgery is major surgery. Even the gastric balloon, a non-surgical weight loss procedure, can have risks. Let’s look at some of these risks now so you can become a better-informed consumer.

What Are the Side Effects of Weight Loss Surgery?

A woman in a red bikini posing with a beach ball.


The initial side effects of weight loss surgery may include symptoms such as:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Possible infection
  • Stomach or bowel obstruction
  • Acid reflux
  • Low blood sugar
  • Inability to consume certain foods
  • Hernia

The overall risks of bariatric surgery can include:

  • Complications recovering from the anesthesia
  • Perforation of the intestines, stomach, and surrounding organs
  • Adverse reactions to medication

This is why it’s important to choose the best bariatric surgeon who is reputable and experienced in the gastric sleeve and gastric balloon. Take your time when choosing a procedure and the surgeon to perform it. Not everyone will experience severe side effects. It depends on how well you stick to your recovery plan, follow-up sessions, and changes to your lifestyle.

Now that we have discussed the drawbacks of surgery (which can be mitigated by finding an experienced weight loss surgeon), let’s talk about what you can gain from surgery.

The positive effects of weight loss surgery include:

  • Weight loss
  • Increased energy
  • Improved health
  • Improved mental well being

Not only that but many obesity-related health issues can disappear completely after surgery.

The Health Effects of Obesity


A man leaning against a wall in a hallway.



Obesity can give rise to or aggravate certain medical conditions. Apart from the medical aspect, obesity can also severely impact your mental and psychological health. Having excess weight causes a strain on your organs, your joints, and bones. Your body seems to be struggling against itself just to keep you going. You may also feel ashamed of your weight, be bullied, and have low self-esteem.

Some of the most common ill effects of obesity and morbid obesity include:

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Diabetes (type 2)
  • Stroke
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Breathing problems such as sleep apnea
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Chronic body pain
  • Low quality of life
  • Depression
  • Anxiety and other mental disorders
  • Dyslipidemia
  • Liver and kidney disease

These ailments are just a few that may arise when a person becomes obese, which can make your body weight slip into the obesity range. This can make you more susceptible to contracting illnesses.

Weight loss surgery can diminish the symptoms of these obesity related illnesses or make them disappear altogether. Those that do get better from these illnesses often toss out their medications (on their doctors’ orders), because they no longer need them.

Yes, the best weight loss surgeries like gastric sleeve surgery and gastric balloon are that powerful.



A young woman reading a book in front of a window.



Taking control of your health, your weight, and your quality of life depends on how much you want it.

If you are tired of feeling ill, missing out on your life, and unable to do things with your loved ones, that should motivate you to make a change.

While some people can’t help their conditions due to medical or genetic reasons, it doesn’t mean that there is no solution. In these cases, bariatric surgery may be the only available option.

Obesity alone contributes to the general mortality rate of populations worldwide. If you are tired of feeling left behind in life and have goals and dreams to accomplish, don’t let obesity hold you back. Seek the help you require and push yourself to achieve your highest potential.

Where to Find the Best Bariatric Surgeon?

You can schedule bariatric surgery at a number of health or weight loss specialized facilities. In Los Angeles, California, one of the best weight loss surgery centers is Healthy Life Bariatrics. Headed by Dr. Babak Moeinolmolki, this clinic is top-rated, especially for the gastric sleeve and balloon procedures.

Many patients have achieved great results and encouragement to maintain healthy lifestyles under the care of Dr. Moeinolmolki.

Dr. Moeinolmolki and his professional team can advise you on any concerns you may have concerning your weight loss and health in general. They also offer other services such as body contouring, liposuction, as well as diet and nutrition plans, to name a few. Contact Healthy Life Bariatrics to book a virtual consultation today.

Moeinolmolki Author: Babak Moein, MD FACS Social Media and Websites
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