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What is gastric sleeve surgery and how can it help with weight loss?

Introduction : What Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric Sleeve Surgery has been increasingly popular in recent years because of its effectiveness, safety, and relative lack of side effects compared to other bariatric surgeries. This article will summarize the gastric sleeve procedure, exploring what it entails and who might benefit from it.

The first step in understanding gastric sleeve surgery is defining exactly what it is. A gastrectomy means removing part or all of the stomach. Sleeve resection involves removing approximately three-quarters of the stomach along its vertical axis. Individuals can lose weight over time by taking away much of the organ’s volume and restricting food intake. The remaining portion of the stomach also changes from being “J” shaped into more like a tube or “sleeve,” hence why this type of surgery carries its name.

Finally, readers need to understand who may be suitable candidates for this type of operation. Any patient wanting to pursue long-term weight reduction could look into having a gastric sleeve procedure. Those with morbid obesity (BMI > 40) usually stand to gain the most benefits from this type of intervention. Patients must meet certain criteria before being approved for such an operation. We highly recommend consultation with medical and mental health specialists before undergoing bariatric surgery.

Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery For Weight Loss

This surgery is a bariatric procedure that reduces the stomach to about 15% of its original size. Recent studies have shown that 80-85% of patients who underwent this procedure achieved at least 50% excess body weight loss within one year post-surgery. This surgery helps people lose and maintain their weight by decreasing hunger hormones and reducing food intake.

The benefits of gastric sleeve surgery include long-term effectiveness for weight loss and improvement in overall health conditions. They have also linked it with increased life expectancy compared to other bariatric surgeries or non-surgical treatments. It can help reduce risks associated with obesity-related diseases while improving quality of life.

How Do You Qualify For Sleeve Surgery?

To qualify for sleeve gastrectomy surgery, patients must meet certain criteria. They should have a body mass index (BMI) of at least 40 or greater. People with BMIs between 35 and 39 may still be eligible if they suffer from obesity-related conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, sleep apnea, or other serious health issues—those considered morbidly defined as having a BMI over 50 are usually suitable candidates for the procedure.

It’s important to note that sleeve gastrectomy is not a quick fix; it requires dedication and lifestyle changes to achieve lasting weight loss results. The surgeon will want to ensure that the patient has realistic expectations about what we can achieve through this type of surgery and will commit to making necessary dietary modifications afterward. Doctors typically require prospective patients to attend counseling sessions, where they can assess their overall physical and mental health to decide whether they would benefit from this type of bariatric surgery.

Various phases of weight loss surgery

A Patient’s Story


Danielle’s Story

What Are The Alternatives To Gastric Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery is a weight loss procedure, but it is not the only option for those seeking to reduce their body mass. There are alternative treatments for obesity and overweight conditions that may be more suitable depending on an individual’s medical history and lifestyle. These alternatives include diet modification, exercise, medications, endoscopic procedures, or other forms of bariatric surgery such as gastric bypass or duodenal switch.

Dietary modifications involve reducing calorie intake and adjusting food choices to sustain weight loss. Exercise regimens tailored to reach specific goals can also help with weight reduction. Physicians may prescribe prescription medications approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) when appropriate. Endoscopic procedures are minimally invasive techniques used to treat certain gastrointestinal disorders, which can cause significant weight loss without major surgery. Last, bariatric surgeries such as gastric bypass and duodenal switch offer additional surgical options for severely obese individuals who cannot lose enough weight through other means.

They must consider the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment method in terms of cost, effectiveness, recovery time, and potential risks.

In summary, gastric sleeve surgery is a viable option for those seeking to lose weight and improve their health. It can reduce hunger and cravings and help control diabetes in some patients. However, it is important to note that the procedure requires lifestyle changes to be successful and maintain results. This includes dietary modifications, increased physical activity, and adherence to follow-up care. In addition, there are risks associated with any surgical procedure, including infection, bleeding, or scarring from the incision site. Therefore, anyone considering this type of operation must consult an experienced surgeon specializing in bariatric procedures before deciding to perform the surgery.

Final Thoughts

Gastric sleeve surgery is an increasingly popular bariatric procedure that can help people achieve weight loss goals. It can improve quality of life by helping individuals reduce their BMI and address associated conditions, such as diabetes and sleep apnea. Ultimately, patients must be aware of all the risks associated with this type of procedure before deciding whether gastric sleeve surgery is right for them.

Patients should work closely with their doctor and have regular follow-up appointments to ensure success after gastric sleeve surgery. As this form of bariatric surgery typically involves major lifestyle changes, they should also seek support from family members and friends during recovery. With proper care and guidance, individuals may experience significant long-term health benefits following this procedure.

There are many considerations when deciding if gastric sleeve surgery is appropriate for you or someone close to you. Taking time to weigh the pros and cons carefully will allow you to make an informed decision about your healthcare needs.


Gastric sleeve surgery is life-changing for many people looking to lose weight and improve their health. However, it does come with risks, so those considering the operation must weigh all options before making such a big decision.

The gastric sleeve can be considered an umbrella. It covers you from rainstorms of obesity and its associated illnesses in one fell swoop (or laparoscopic cut). The surgery may not remove all the worries about being overweight or obese. It relieves some of these issues and offers a new beginning.

As with any major medical procedure, consulting your surgeon about gastric sleeve surgery should be your first step. Your healthcare provider will assess your circumstances and determine if this bariatric surgery suits you. You are the only one who knows what’s best for your long-term health needs. Surgical intervention could make all the difference in achieving success on your journey towards better overall well-being.

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Healthy Life Bariatrics

Dr. Babak Moeinolmolki