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Introduction: 10 tips for preparing for gastric sleeve surgery

There’s no question that your gastric sleeve procedure will change your life. It is important to plan for this weight life surgery because it is life changing. This milestone surgery is the impetus for us writing about the 10 tips for preparing for gastric sleeve surgery . The health hazards resulting from excess body weight will quickly become a thing of the past, and as with any striking change, everything you can do to prepare yourself and your body will help your dramatic transition. Every bariatric surgery patient has their unique challenges, as well as the common factors that all face. Here’s a list of 10 points to consider before your procedure to help make the process easier mentally and physically.

Preparing for Gastric Sleeve

Preparing for Gastric Sleeve

1- Quit Smoking

Smoking before and after bariatric surgery can carry many more harrowing effects than the usual health complications. You should cease smoking at least 30 days before your procedure to avoid developing fistulas, or holes in your stomach along the surgical incision. Not only will fistulas be painful, but gastric leaks could potentially be cause for another surgery.

2- Follow Your Preoperative Diet

Before you have your gastric sleeve surgery, our support team will help you develop an eating plan that will prepare you for before and after your surgery. Bariatric surgery will require lifestyle and eating habit changes such as taking smaller bites and avoiding gulping drinks. In general plan on going on an initial liquid diet, followed by a soft diet in approximately 2 days following surgery. Solid foods may be returned to your diet in small amounts after the first week.

3- Boost Your Activity

This is particularly urgent if you lead a sedentary life. Even light exercise, 30 minutes a day, can not only help you lose weight, but it can also improve the condition of your body to assist in recovery. There’s no need for intense routines. Extra walking and using stairs are two examples of simple ways to boost your lung capacity, important for avoiding respiratory complications during and after surgery.

4- Clear Your Kitchen

Prior to your bariatric surgery, the team at Healthy Life Bariatrics will discuss your diet habits with you. You’ll recieve a list of foods that you cannot have (think junk foods), as well as a list of foods that you should be eating. You’ll begin the dietary changes before your procedure to better prepare you for life after surgery and help you keep the weight off.

Preparing for Gastric Sleeve

5- Re-stock for Recovery

Many of the liquid meals you’ll be consumed immediately after your surgery are non-perishable, so once you’ve made room in your pantry, start stocking up on the supplies recommended to you by me and your support team at Healthy Life Bariatrics. We can advise on products and quantities.

6- Give Your Complete Medical History

Provide me with all your medical records, medications, and medical history. This includes things such as recreational drug and alcohol use. There’s no need to be embarrassed or to hide such use. It’s critical knowledge to avoid complications. We’re here to help you, not judge you.

Weight Loss Treatment Services Los Angeles

7- Take Only the Right Medication

One reason your complete history is important is for adjustments to your medications. I may ask you to discontinue some or all of these if they have the potential to create complications after surgery. It may be necessary to locate liquid or chewable versions of these medications immediately after surgery when pills are not recommended.

8- Get Your Mind in the Game

Learn all you can about your gastric sleeve procedure before surgery. Understanding the process helps you navigate into the unknowns of surgery and recovery. We can help answer your questions on gastric sleeve surgery and direct you to appropriate research materials.

9- Plan Life in Advance

At least two weeks ahead of your surgery, confirm that you have your life preparations in order, things like daycare arrangements, time off work, and any support services or transportation you may need. Organize your house for your recovery to make post-op life easier.

10- Control Your Expectations

Results from gastric sleeve surgery are dramatic and, in a medical sense, quite rapid. However, when you’re in the depths of recovery, things may seem as though they’re stretching forever. If you do the preparation, you’ll know what to expect, you’ll be aware of possible setbacks, and you’ll know how recovery should proceed. It’s important to be mindful of that when time starts to drag. Keep your end goals in mind: that trip you’ll take or the activity you’ll resume. The time you spend recovering will seem well worth it – and much shorter – in the end.

Conclusion: 10 tips for preparing for Gastric Sleeve Surgery

We hope that you have found our tips helpful when planning your gastric sleeve surgery. In summary, appropriate preparation will ensure that your surgery is uneventful and that your recovery is seemless. Our patients have found our 10 tips for preparing for gastric sleeve surgery extremely helpful. Call our office today.