2080 Century Park East, Suite 501, Los Angeles, CA 90067
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Introduction: How to know if you’re a good candidate for gastric sleeve surgery?

With most patients losing 60-70% of their excess body weight in the 12-18 months after the procedure, gastric surgery helps men and women lose weight. During Gastric Sleeve surgery, Dr. Moeinolmolki removes part of the stomach and brings the remaining two sides together to create a “sleeve” that’s shaped like a banana.

This stomach that’s just 1/10th the size of a normal one fills up quickly. Because you can’t eat as much as in the past, you take in fewer calories and lose weight. During the gastric sleeve procedure, a part of your stomach that produces an appetite-boosting hormone is also removed.

Not every person who is obese is a candidate for gastric sleeve surgery, however. At Healthy Life Bariatrics, we can help you determine if the procedure is right for you.

To give you a head start, the following characteristics are what make a person a good Candidate for Gastric Sleeve.

Guideline Criteria for Gastric Sleeve Surgery:

BMI Calculator – Bariatric Surgery Candidates:

  • Use a BMI calculator to determine if you meet the BMI criteria for weight-loss surgery candidacy. Remember that this is just one aspect of the evaluation, and consultation with a medical professional is necessary for a comprehensive assessment.

    Bariatric Diet and gastric sleeve surgery

Understand Your BMI Results:

  • Once you’ve calculated your BMI, understanding the implications and what it means for your health and potential surgery candidacy is vital.
  • Gastric sleeve surgery is a significant procedure and is typically considered for individuals who meet specific criteria. These criteria often include:
    • BMI of 40 or more: Individuals with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or higher are typically eligible for gastric sleeve surgery. This is also known as severe obesity.
    • BMI of 35 to 39.9 with a serious health condition: If your BMI falls between 35 and 39.9 and you have serious health conditions related to your weight, such as diabetes or hypertension, you may qualify.
    • Failure to lose weight with diet and exercise regimens: If you’ve made earnest efforts to lose weight through traditional methods but haven’t seen significant results, weight loss surgery may be considered.
    • Becoming informed about weight loss surgery: It’s crucial for patients to educate themselves about the procedure, its benefits, and potential risks. This ensures that individuals make informed decisions about their health.

Can Weight Loss Surgery Help Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?

  • Weight loss surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, has shown promising results in the management and, in some cases, reversal of Type 2 Diabetes. Research suggests that substantial weight loss achieved through surgery can lead to improved insulin sensitivity and glycemic control.

Experiencing a Weight Loss Plateau? It May Be Time to Reset Your Gastric Sleeve:

  • It’s not uncommon for patients to experience weight loss plateaus after gastric sleeve surgery. A “reset” can involve revisiting dietary habits, exercise routines, and seeking guidance from your healthcare team to break through these plateaus.

    Gastric Bypass Reversal and gastric sleeve surgery

Your Complete Guide to Bariatric Surgery Preparation:

  • Preparation for bariatric surgery is a comprehensive process that involves medical evaluations, lifestyle changes, and psychological assessments. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to prepare for your Gastric Sleeve surgery successfully.

What Makes a Good Candidate for Weight-Loss Surgery?

  • Several factors are considered when determining if someone is a good Candidate for Gastric Sleeve. These include BMI, medical and weight history, and other factors like psychological readiness. A personalized evaluation is essential to make this determination.

Who Qualifies for Weight-Loss Surgery?

  • Eligibility for weight-loss surgery varies from person to person. Factors such as age, overall health, and willingness to commit to post-surgery lifestyle changes all play a role. Consultation with a qualified surgeon is necessary to determine eligibility.

What Are the Risks and Benefits of Weight-Loss Surgery?

  • Weight-loss surgery offers the potential for significant health improvements, including weight loss, improved metabolic health, and resolution of obesity-related comorbidities. However, it also carries risks that should be thoroughly discussed with your healthcare team.

Life After Weight-Loss Surgery:

  • Life after weight-loss surgery involves adapting to a new way of eating, regular exercise, and ongoing medical follow-ups. It’s a journey towards better health and quality of life.

You Have Tried Weight Loss Through Other Means:

  • Weight-loss surgery is typically considered when other methods have been unsuccessful. It’s an option for individuals who have struggled to achieve sustainable weight loss through diet and exercise alone.

Considering Getting Gastric Sleeve Surgery?:

  • If you’re contemplating gastric sleeve surgery, it’s essential to consult with a qualified surgeon, understand the procedure thoroughly, and assess your readiness for the physical and emotional changes that come with it.
Candidate for Gastric Sleeve

Candidate for Gastric Sleeve

You Fit the Age and Weight Specifications

To qualify for gastric sleeve surgery, you should be a morbidly obese adult around the age of 35 with a comorbidity such as hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, or obstructive sleep apnea. Adults with a body mass index of 40 or greater also qualify. Insurance does not cover surgery for patients with a BMI between 30-35, these individuals will qualify for surgery on an individual basis. Factors such as a long term risk of progressive obesity, family history of obesity, and a patient’s associated medical condition, are all taken into careful consideration.

Usually, that means you’re about 100 pounds (or more) over a healthy weight.

A person who has a body mass index of 35-40 may qualify if they have at least one health problem associated with their obesity.

Being obese puts you at higher risk including obstructive sleep apnea, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and stroke. Weight-loss surgery, such as gastric sleeve surgery, can greatly reduce your risk of complications and death related to these chronic conditions. You may find you can take less or no medicine for these months after surgery because of the resulting weight loss.

You Can Handle Physical Stress

Gastric sleeve surgery requires you undergo general anesthesia, so your body must be in good enough condition to handle this stress. If you have health problems associated with your obesity, surgery can be risky. Dr. Moeinolmolki evaluates your condition to determine if you can tolerate the surgery

You’re Ready for Change

Gastric sleeve surgery requires your buy-in. You’re going to have to make some dramatic life changes that involve how you eat, what you eat, how you move, and how you care for your health. We have you undergo a psychological consultation (often required by insurance) prior to the operation to ensure you’re mentally prepared to commit to a new lifestyle

Other Methods of Weight Loss Have Failed You

You may be a good candidate for gastric sleeve if you’ve tried other weight loss methods in the past and they’ve failed. And that doesn’t mean following the latest fad diet for a few weeks – but seriously committing to a weight loss program and being unable to sustain weight loss. Often, you’ve tried a medically supervised program

Any bariatric surgery is a major undertaking. At Healthy Life Bariatrics, we want to help you achieve a healthy weight. We make sure you thoroughly understand what to expect before, during, and after surgery so you have the best outcome possible. And we support you every step of the way.

If you’re ready to lose weight and are a candidate for gastric sleeve , call our office in Los Angeles or click the button here on the website to set up a consultation.